So it goes along the obvious lines that if it stops functioning, then there are bound to be negative consequences for the users. While the service in itself doesn’t break down, but there could be some restrictive measures in place that could prevent the app from functioning in those regions.  Well, the good news is that you could easily bypass these roadblocks and access WhatsApp via its proxy servers. And in this guide, we will show you how to do just that. Follow along.

List of all WhatsApp Proxy Servers

How to Use WhatsApp Proxy Servers

when it comes to using these WhatsApp Proxy servers, then you don’t need to use any third-party proxy apps. Rather WhatsApp comes built-in with this feature and you should make use of that itself. Here’s how:

A Note on WhatsApp Proxy Server Port Numbers

By default, WhatsApp will automatically assign a port number to your server address. For example, if you type in, then the app will auto-assign the port number 443, thereby the complete address will be

However, if you want to change this port number and assign it a value of your choice, then just tap on it and change the value after colon [:]. For example, if you want to put the port number 80, then the complete address should look like

How to Create your own WhatsApp Proxy Servers

If you want to take the matters into your own hands and wish to create new proxy servers for WhatsApp, then you can set up a proxy using a server with ports 80, 443 or 5222 and a domain name (or subdomain) that points to the server’s IP address. To do so, please check out this WhatsAppChat Proxy project on GitHub. So that note, we round off this guide regarding all the WhatsApp Proxy Servers and how to use them. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

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